Community VNA relies on the kindness and generosity of our patients and their families, community and corporate partners and the public in order to provide much-needed fund that support our services to our patients, whether or not they can afford to pay. You can help in so many ways.
Your tax-deductible donation helps stretch available dollars to provide services to people without insurance or who are unable to pay. Remember than many corporations offer gift matching, so please check to see if your company provides this generous service. Visit our Donation page to see how to make a contribution. Soon you will be able to contribute conveniently using our on-line form.
Our organization began in 1948 as a result of community-minded citizens who understood the need for nursing services. Today, we encourage people to become volunteers, to visit with patients, to work on special events or to assist in our office. Visit our Volunteer section to learn how you can become involved.
Donations of money and time are greatly appreciated. Please contact us if you need information or have any questions on how to help.